Teneo / Legato
Thomond Park, Limerick
Client: John Patrick Shaw Carelon Global Solutions Ireland
Agency: Teneo
Project Lead: Eugene Hogan
Creative: Malachy Geraghty
Teneo: Jennifer Monks, Seán Earley, Laura Ledger, Aoibheann Fitzpatrick, Rebekah Stacey Caroline Kelly
Copywriter: Eugene Hogan
Producer for Lightscape - Brian Kenny
Event Management - Fran O’Donnell Futurama Events
Technical Director: Gavin O Hare
Storyboards / Creative Direction Stephen Mac Devitt
Lead Motion Design / Art Director - Carla Soriani
Motion Design - Afonso Boranga , Lucas Lupo
Notch - Anthony Sometimes
Lighting Director - Mick Murray
Lighting Technician- Brendan Cummins
AV Supplier - Visual X Peter Dempsey
AV Crew - Eoin Devitt, Maurice Feale
Sound engineer: Declan O'Sullivan
Audio supplier: AV Star Systems
Lighting Supplier - Lightsabre
Screen - ShowTex
Cameras and documentation for Lightscape - Paul Mahon
In January 2023, Thomond Park was the venue for the launch of Carelon in Ireland.
The show was an immersive spectacle combining light, projection and music.
Ireland’s first on-field digital projection told the story of both Irish innovation and the journey of Carelon using 3d projection.
The 120,000 lumens of laser projection was mapped on to the 1200 square meter screen which was temporarily laid on the pitch.
The stadium lighting was controlled using timecode DMX to align with the show and additional aqua beam fixtures added to the spectacle.
There were 10 drummers on the field at the apex of the projection and a harpist and fiddle in the stand opposite the audience.